Lots to Show

So, starting with Gallicchio, we drove through Misanello….not a ghost town now, but only 500 people live there although it looks like a large town. Then we stopped in Sant’Arcángelo. There are so many subjects in these places to sketch. While having our caffe this morning in Sant’Arcángelo, we met a man who had been an architect and now paints in oils. He invited us to his studio to see his paintings. They were lovely and just of this area. What a neat experience! Here are some shots from today.

Now, for all you foodies, here are our last 2 lunches plus the last treat at Civita.

Wednesday will be another of the ghost towns…..that we know about, and time in Pisticci where we had lunch Tuesday. We are renting a house in the countryside for the next few days and it is so peaceful and quiet.